My Favorite Travel Source
Just keep killing it! So glad you guys exist. By far my favorite travel source, and I'm continually inspired by what you're doing, how you're accomplishing it, and the community you're creating. Cheers!!
– Constance Higley
5 Minutes to Fly Far Away
It's always nice to take a break with The Discoverer... 5 mins to fly far away from the office and dream with open eyes!
– Carlotta Toscano
Can't Wait to 'Visit' More Places
What a great e-mail to read and experience thrilling inspiration taking over a curious mind! Can't wait to 'visit' more places with your information and begin planning my next adventure.
– Kelley Wren

Hamilton, Bermuda
This made me want to throw my hands in the air, push my desk violently away, grab my purse...and go on an adventure! Bermuda, you just made it on my bucket list. What a discovery!
Go Deep and Discover Hidden Treasures
What sets the Discoverer apart from others is that it doesn't just skim the surface, it makes the effort to go deep into the sea and bring out hidden treasures, gems that you'd normally not find on other websites. I was pleased to see my hometown Jaipur featured! Those are the places where I take my friends & family when they come visit!
– Nandita Gupta
I Could Go On and On
I could go on and on about why I love the Discoverer. I have a reading disability, so I typically can't retain heavy amounts of reading material. I love the graphs, maps and short bits of historical and helpful information to supplement the beautiful photos. I also LOVE that I don't feel like I'm getting fed a sales pitch!
Experience Amazing Locations
Given that I don't have a lot of money to travel at the moment, The Discoverer allows me to experience amazing locations and cultures throughout the world. Seeing what there is to do and see as well as learning about the people and culture makes me so excited to one day visit these places and have amazing adventures.
– Mark Crabbe

Cappadocia, Turkey
LOVED IT. Cappadocia has always been on my bucket list but now you got me looking at tickets! Can't wait to explore :)
Bucket List Overflowing
I have immensely enjoyed every edition of the Discoverer... retiring soon... bucket list overflowing... thank you... keep up this incredible coverage... proof there is so much to savor... really wonderful to know about you!
– Carl Faust
Escape the Daily Mundane
The Discoverer's weekly emails allow me to escape the daily mundane and transport myself to extraordinary bucket list destinations if only for a few minutes.
– Colby Marie
Handy for Travelers on a Budget
One thing about the Discoverer I love is that it features not only well known spots and tourist magnets but also smaller restaurants and places to stay. That comes in handy for travelers on a budget!
– Helen & Vera

Lisbon, Portugal
Beautifully done! I would like to go to Lisbon right now! Our age prevents us from travelling. We are in our 80s and have infirmities. Thank you very much.
– Frank and Rina Stobbe
Little Mental Vacations
Yours is the ONLY leisure/e-commerce email newsletter that I allow in my work inbox. I love taking little mental vacations with your editions.
– Dane Miklaus
Makes me want to live on the go!
Keep up the great work! Awesome pics, awesome descriptions! Makes me want to live on the go!
– Dave Cannon
Very well put together
Having lived in Boston for the first fifty-three years of my life, I feel your representation of the city is very well put together. One of the better representations I have read.
– Russell D. Stone
We're Fans!
In real life we enjoy exploring a new location with a local guide, or getting tips from our friends who've been there already. The Discoverer mimics this experience in an engaging way by using other travelers to tell the story of a new location. We're fans!
– Pieter & Nathalie
Dive into the Wonders of the World
When new e-mail from the Discoverer makes it to my inbox, I know it's time to make a cup of coffee and dive into the wonders of the world. I love that it's always a story from a real person who has real experience and can share what's not written in the guide.
– Jana Kovarova
Great Subscription!
Really enjoying! As someone who is obsessed with travel, I love receiving your emails. They are concise and to the point, but contain all the info you need. Great subscription!
– Jennifer Goff